Bien Mur Indian Market Center

The largest retail arts and crafts store in the Southwest; wholly owned and operated by the Pueblo of Sandia.

Store Hours: Monday – Saturday 9:30am – 5pm

Bien Mur means “Big Mountain” in the Tiwa language, named in honor of the majestic Sandia Mountains. Bien Mur is located North of Albuquerque on the Pueblo of Sandia reservation. Bien Mur is known as a first-class tourist destination by providing exceptional customer service.

Vendor Fair

To Be Announced

Join us at Sandia Resort and Casino Amphitheater


 100 Vendors including local artisans

 On site food from: Over The Moon, and Concession stand.


Authenticity Guaranteed

Reliability, quality, and extraordinary one-of-a-kind pieces are the trademarks of Bien Mur Indian Market Center.

Featured Artists

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